
Current information:

15. TDM-Symposium der AGNP 20.- 22. März

The Competence network "TDM KJP" offers for members:

  • Blood analyses for psychotropic drugs
  • Information on TDM and expert advice in pathological findings
  • Additional pharmakogenetic diagnostic investigations in special cases
  • Quality management:
    Access to an internetbased data registry for standardised documentation of pharmacological data in child and youth psychiatry
  • Data management and export for implemented research-projects
  • Regular meetings and educational seminars for clinical investigators

Membership is based on active participation in data collection for the internet based data registry.

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Aims of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)

  • standardized documentation of psychopharmacological treatment of children and adolescents in an internet data base:
    • demographic characteristics
    • clinical efficacy of the medication
    • unwanted side effects
    • serum levels
  • improvement of dosage finding
  • prevention of severe adverse events, minimization of unwanted side effects
  • data collection for scientific purpose
  • definition of age specific therapeutic ranges of plasma or serum levels in order to maximize clinical effects whilst minimizing the risk of side effects or toxicity
  • additional pharmacogenetic analyses in individuals with inadequate serum levels
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